Collection Upholstery

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Nappa leather with a slightly glossy surface
1,1 - 1,3 mm thick

D-DOLCE, a slightly glossy, 1.1 - 1.3 mm thick cowhide leather, has its origins in European raw materials. The hides that are tanned on a mineral basis are vat-dyed. In the process, water-soluble dyes permeate the leather and bind firmly to the leather fibres.

Semi-aniline leathers are leathers that only get a slight pigmentation (colour layer). The natural grain pattern and the hair pores are not concealed by the pigmentation, but are only slightly protected. This ensures an excellent temperature and moisture balance on the one hand. On the other hand, the natural surface character of the leather is preserved. It gives the material a distinctive individual character and makes every sofa unique.

D-DOLCE is breathable, skin-friendly and warm to the touch. D-DOLCE reliably meets the requirements of Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel (DGM).

We test all our leathers for their functional characteristics and fulfillment of the DGM quality guidelines RAL-GZ 430 „Allgemeine Güte und Prüfbestimmungen für Möbel“
(general quality and test specifications for furniture). D-DOLCE fulfills the strict requirements as follow:
Light-fastness: min. level 4   |   Rubbing fastness: min. level 3-4

We intentionally process all natural and growth marks including open places – regardless of the particular piece of covering or the character of the feature. Only real faults which might negatively affect the quality of the leather are left out of the covering.

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